TechCrunch named Actijoy as a TC Top Pick for Disrupt SF2018
We look forward to demonstrating Actijoy in the Startup Alley, as well as during an interview with the TechCrunch editor on the Showcase Stage at Disrupt SF on September 5-7 at Moscone West, 747 Howard St, San Francisco. Stop by our booth and say “Hello” to the founders Robert & Jana!
“TC Top Picks is our latest way to shine a spotlight on amazing pre-Series A startup founders. We carefully reviewed and vetted each application and chose only five startups from each of these categories: AI, AR/VR, Blockchain, Biotech/Healthtech, Fintech, Gaming, Privacy/Security, Space, Mobility, Retail or Robotics/IoT/Hardware."
Read more about TC Top Picks here:
Stay tuned for more information coming soon!