Senior Dogs and Increased Water Intake

As dogs grow older, their biological systems change. Increases and decreases in thirst or appetite serve as warning signs that something is amiss. A common indication of disease in senior dogs is increased water intake. The meaning behind excessive thirst, and how to track this change, will be discussed here.
How Much Water Should a Dog Drink Daily?
Before you can understand whether a dog is drinking too much water, it is important to understand the average water intake for dogs. In general, a dog should drink ½ - 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight per day. For instance, a 25 lb dog should consume roughly 1.5 - 3 cups of water daily.
Changes in Water Intake as a Disease Symptom
One of the most common signs that something medically is amiss with a senior dog is increased water intake. As dog's age, their kidneys do not function as efficiently as when they were younger, which is one reason for the additional water intake. However, excessive thirst can also mean the following:
- Fever
- Diarrhea/Vomiting
- Side effect of medication
- Diabetes
- Thyroid disease
- Kidney disease
- Liver disease
- Cancer
Regardless of the reason for your dog’s change in thirst, a veterinary appointment should be scheduled. A physical exam and bloodwork can determine the cause of a dog’s need for extra water. In some cases, these medical conditions can be treated with medication. In others, supportive care may be required to improve your dog’s quality of life. In many instances, noticing this symptom early can help you provide better care for your dog as he or she ages.
How Actijoy Can Help
The Actijoy Food & Water WiFi bowl can help you recognize increased water intake in your dog the moment it occurs. By using the water bowl while your dog is young you will be able to gather baseline data to determine your dog’s normal water intake. If any significant changes are detected, you will receive a notification on your phone alerting you to a potential health problem. Then, you will be able to present your vet with detailed data regarding your dog’s habits to help him or her better understand the problem. This revolutionary product removes the guesswork from your dog’s care.
Senior dogs are more prone to health problems and dogs generally hide their symptoms, so it is a good idea to consider tools like activity trackers and smart bowls. Learn more!